martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Bienvenidos ! (Welcome!)

Bienvenidos a mi blog!
Ojala que mi dejen muchos comentarios de como enseñar español en el colegio secundario y de como manejar una clase.
(Welcome to my blog! Hopefully you will leave me many comments regarding how to teach Spanish in High School and how to manage a class.)

Dakota "El Profe" Elder

1 comentario:

  1. Classroom management is my challenge so I have been focused on handling difficult situations. Aside from "stringing 'em all up" from the rafters and duct taping their mouths shut, I feel that expressing your expectations explicitly is thebest way to handle difficult situations. Once your expectations are known, following through with consistency is the next best way, as difficult as it may be. I am too "nice" sometimes and give too many chances. However, it eventuall will backfire on you and the kids walk all over you. Being firm and consistent seems to work best.
