sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Tongue Twisters

Hola amiguitos,
I really like using tongue twisters (trabalenguas) to practice pronunciation. My favorite trabalenguas helps students practice rolling their r's. Check it out:

RR con RR burrito (RR with RR little donkey)
RR con RR barril (RR with RR barrel)
Rápido corren los carros (The cars go fast)
En el ferrocarril. (On the railroad)

¡Inténtalo! (Try it!)

El profe

2 comentarios:

  1. I tried it and it was way to hard for this gringo....can see how it would help with some pronunciationi difficulties...pretty cool!

  2. I like how you incorporate music into your lessons. I think that this method would be very engaging for kids and they would be more willing to learn this way.
